We tested the following variables for array optimization: Acetone
Concentration in Growth Solution (%), Spin-Coat RPM (1750-2500), Growth
Temperature (60-80), & Molecular Weight of Ps-b-P4VP block
copolymer. My mentor and I had initial expectations before conducting
each variable. We expected that an increase in acetone concentration
would give us a larger areal density of rods. This is because the
acetone swells the PS coronas, which allows more reactants to come into
contact with the cores. We also understood that the micelle cores were
made of P4VP polymer chains. The size of the P4VP cores is directly
related to the nanorod diameter, meaning that as the molecular weight of
the P4VP increases, the diameter will as well.
We attained the following results.
our investigation, we were able to determine that 15% acetone
concentration provided the best uniform growth of the four shown.
We also determined that 2000 RPM was a soundly speed at which the nanorods could be most uniform.
As you can see, there is no adequate growth pattern that is dependent on the molecular weight of the polymer.
As you increase the temperature, the aerial density increases and the rod diameter decreases.
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